3 High Impact Social Media Strategies

Social media can be a highly successful way to promote your brand and give audiences a reason to learn more about you.

The challenge is cutting through the noise. So many brands use social media in a similar manner that if you aren’t using the right strategies, your content will disappear into the crowd.

So, what high impact social media strategies could you use to get your brand’s message to your target audience? Here are three.

1. One-On-One Interactions

While social media might seem like marketing to the masses, it’s the personal, one-to-one conversations that make a significant impact. Whether it’s dealing with a customer complaint, or helping a follower out, giving attention to one person will impress the many.

By devoting time to members of your audience, you are creating brand ambassadors who will go out and spread the word of your goodwill to their friends and family. A really good deed on social media can also earn you national and international news coverage.

2. Video Content

Video is the new image, and most social media platforms are prioritizing video sharing above other content. For instance, Facebook will share a video you publish more than an image you share on your business page.

At the same time, users prefer to watch a video more than read so consider how you can integrate video into your social media strategies.

3. Sharing Content

There is nothing more important than finding content from other content creators and sharing it with your audience. This will impress those in your industry, your audience, and those who created the content originally. It will also demonstrate that you are a community-player and know that sharing is essential for success on social media.

Use tools like Hootsuite to help you find and share content. Remember that at least 1/3 of all your content should be created by others.


Social media can help you grow your business and reach a larger audience. However, with all the content being created by other brands, you need to use strategies that differentiate you from everyone else.

How do you grab attention on social media? Where do you find third-party content?

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